(Go ahead, you can go add another ‘like’! Haha! Little boosters like this is what I need most for now… because of the one big factor that I am already at week 38 and am still counting!)
But please allow me to go back to the very beginning of Project Nursery 2012. I have always got this thing for motherhood, especially in buying baby rompers even before conceiving Peanut. So you can imagine that I have stocked up more than 20 pieces since the past 2 years, just because the rompers were ‘too cute.’ Plus, I got them mostly in blue and earthy colours (infact, one of them is black in order for the future Peanut to match Mama’s wardrobe!), due to the simple fact that I have never liked the shade of pink, even on a girl. Okay, I grew up as a Tomboy.
And for the last 3 months or so, I envisioned Peanut to have a nice little nursery, thanks to all the pretty pictures at www.projectnursery.com. I had to admit though that I started off the project on the wrong foot, as I had set my expectations way too high, even beyond my own reach! There I was looking at all those professionally done-up nurseries and had to bite my own thumb to wake up to reality – we just do not have the extra budget to indulge in such luxury for Peanut. Plus, all the items required as seen on the website are double or triple of the price cost here in Malaysia (we need Target and Wal-Mart here!!!).
At the same time, I could not allow myself to wallow in self-pity as I didn’t have much time left before I become all immobile and too tired to even want to be the creative nut that I am during the last weeks of the final trimester. Thus, by factoring in the style of living, weather and the environment in Malaysia, I embarked on journey that focused mostly on wall decals (and involved endless hours of scouring the nearest shopping malls, entering hidden shops on the streets and stopping by the stalls along any foot walk to check out on the most affordable and cutest wall decals available), 2nd hand furniture and loose items (that were already available at home). The wall decals were aimed to brighten up the place as we could not neither afford additional wallpapering activities nor wall painting.
So, it is with sheer joy and pleasure that I share the following photographs to show you the end-result of a bargain hunter mum-to-be's effort in converting her walk-in wardrobe room into Peanut's crib.
Welcome to Peanut's humble crib :) |
In shades of green and blue mostly |
Introducing Mr Kermit as the mighty guardian
Item in the picture: Fabler Groda, RM35.00 |
It is in the Chinese Tradition to cover all mirrors that are in the room to avoid the baby getting frightened by looking at his/her own reflection. Thus, I covered half of the 6ft x 6ft mirror as you can see from here. Alas, no more catwalks for me in this room... :(
Items in the picture: Paul Frank mirror decal (RM2.50 per strip x 2), African Jungle themed decal (RM4.00 per set), Animal Tell-the-Time Wall Paper Clock (RM3.45 per piece x 2), Victorian themed side table from Ikea (existing furniture at home) |
That's the picture of papa wooing mama for the 1st time during a company trip to Cameron Highlands. They were complete strangers. Albeit being the brave one, he didn't know where to place his right hand. Just look at the picture! Hahahahahaha :))) |
Where the little prince will sleep...
Items in the picture: New Baby Crib with Mattress from a Warehouse Sale (RM299.00), Heart Shaped pillow from Ikea (existing loose item at home), Pillows and Blue Gingham Sheet set (Hand-me-downs from 2nd sis-in-law, Transportation wall decal from Tesco (RM15.90 per set of 4), Alphabet decal (RM0.90 per piece x 8) |
Peanut's official name :) |
To brighten up the otherwise plain wardrobe in walnut
Item in the picture: Transportation decal from Tesco (RM19.90 per roll) |
Papa insisted to start you young.... (Part 1)
Item in the picture: Championship racing cars decal (RM2.00 per set) |
The Diapering Station! With dinos to entertain Peanut... hehe
Items in the picture: Gullunge Baby Care Mat from Ikea (RM25.00 per piece), Gullunge Cover from Ikea (RM29.90 per set of 2 pieces), Dinosaur decal (RM5.90 per set), White Rack from Ikea (existing furniture at home) |
Aptly named as the Rack of Duties |
Papa insisted to start you young... (Part 2)
Items in the picture: Miniature toy cars from Tesco (RM2.90 per box x 2), Decorative Toy Soldiers from Parkson (RM15.90 per box x 3) , Doraemon toy piece (RM4.90), Picture frame from 100 Yen Shop (RM5.00 per piece), Rubber choo-choo toy train from Nestle (complimentary) |
Peanut baking in the oven :D |
Tier no.2 that will groom Peanut into a gentleman (fingers crossed) |
My favourite feature wall
Item in the picture: Tree decal (RM4.00 per set) |
Bear to Tree: Say hello to the new Forest Ranger!
Item in the picture: Bear from Harvard in Boston (existing plush toy that was kept away in the closet for over 10 years!) |
The play area
Items in the picture: Kusiner mesh basket in blue with lid from Ikea (RM15.90 per piece), Ikea PS Fangst hanging storage with 6 compartments in green (RM19.90 per piece), toys (all hand-me-downs), wooden shoe rack from Ikea (existing furniture at home), blue and green striped curtain (existing drapery) |
The activity rack (Please do all these by the age of 3 months, Peanut!) |
Items in the picture: Chair from Ikea (existing furniture at home that is 5 years old and extremely comfortable!), Green cushion from Ikea (RM7.90 per piece), Blue checked fleece blanket from Daiso (RM5.00 per piece) |
Drawer #1 (featuring new clothes that were bought since 2 years ago) |
Drawer #2 (featuring all hand-me-downs, washed and divided into the relevant growing phases) |
Drawer #3 (Towels, sheets, blankets etc.) |
So there you have it, Project Nursery 2012 all done and up! No wonder my latest blood pressure reading from my check-up today went down to the normal range from 130/90. Otherwise, I will be induced by tomorrow, as mentioned by the Doc!
Here's counting down to the planned date then: 21 February 2012...
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